Thornhill Primary School

KS1 Visit to Bolsover Castle

The children in KS1 are going to have a castle experience in school, on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 followed by a visit to Bolsover Castle on Tuesday 29th April 2025.


A coach has been booked to take the children to Bolsover Castle and we aim to leave school at 9:00 am. The coach will set off back to school at 2:00 pm which means children should be back at school for home time.


The children will require a packed lunch for that day (Tuesday 29th April 2025).  As your child is in receipt of universal free school meals, a separate letter is attached for them to order a sandwich from school if required. Please return this as soon as possible to the school office.


Please ensure your child wears full uniform, sensible footwear and has a waterproof coat in case of poor weather.  Many of the activities will be outside so this is very important.


The actual cost of the trip and castle experience per child is £13.25 but, because the school continues to heavily subsidise any trips that we go on, we have been able to reduce the cost to just £8 per child.  Please note that payment should be made wherever possible using ParentPay.  If you need help setting this up, please see the office.