If you have a concern about a child or wish to discuss a safeguarding matter, please ring the school’s office 01709 335999 and ask to speak to one of the designated members of staff listed below.
Safeguarding team (ID 1065)
Mrs K HillDesignated Safeguarding Person (DSP)
Mrs K Hill
Mrs E BarnesDeputy Designated Safeguarding Person (DDSP)
Mrs E Barnes
Mrs A PeaseDesignated Teacher for Looked After Children
Mrs A Pease
Mrs V DaviesDesignated Safeguarding Teacher (DST)
Mrs V Davies
Mrs S Bruce HillmanSafeguarding Staff
Mrs S Bruce Hillman
Mrs H CooperDesignated Safeguarding Governor (DSG)
Mrs H Cooper
Safeguarding Policies
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part One
Operation Encompass
Thornhill Primary School is part of a project that is being run across Rotherham/South Yorkshire. It is called Operation Encompass, a partnership between South Yorkshire Police, schools & colleges, supported by the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting on any domestic abuse incidents, where the police have attended and that might have an impact on a child in an education setting.
A key member of staff in the school will be informed when a domestic abuse incident has occurred within the previous 24 hours or over the weekend. This will enable the school to monitor children possibly affected and, where required, support if necessary.
The designated member of the safeguarding staff will use this information in the strictest confidence. They will also ensure that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been involved in, affected by, or witnessed a domestic violence incident.
As ever, we are keen to offer the very best support possible for our students.
Rotherham Safeguarding
If you are concerned about a child or young person (including yourself), you can report the abuse to Rotherham Safeguarding - click the image which will diret you to their website. The website has a vast amount of resources and advice to help keep children safe.
The Prevent duty aims to safeguard people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.